Dividend News from Lovell Safety Management

Lovell Safety Groups Earn Dividends

New York, NY… Lovell Safety Management Co., LLC, announced the 2016 – 2017 dividend earnings of two of its Safety Groups:

  • New York Electrical Manufacturers, Safety Group #140 
  • New York State Movers and Warehousemen’s Association, Safety Group #251 

Safety Group #140 paid a 30 percent dividend. Qualifying members received an advance discount of 25 percent on the 10/1/18 renewal.

Safety Group #251 paid a 25 percent dividend. Qualifying members received an advance discount of 25 percent on the 10/1/18 renewal.
Lovell Safety Groups are fully insured, non-profit entities that return any underwriting profit to group members. Any extra premium dollars collected-not used to pay losses or expenses-can be returned to members in the form of a dividend. Lovell Safety Groups provide businesses with the benefits of a guaranteed cost premium with additional savings earned through dividends.