Fork Lift Operator Certification

OSHA fines a New Jersey company for failure to certify their powered industrial truck operators
(Fork Lift operators)

Posted by OSHA- June 5, 2019, 3:28 PM
Employer contests a repeat citation with a fine of $37,885. The repeat citation includes the alleged violation of 29 C.F.R. 1910.178(l)(6), for failure to certify that all employees operating powered industrial trucks have been trained and evaluated as required by Paragraph (l) of this standard. (No. 19-0676)

Make sure this doesn’t happen to you.  The Lovell Safety department offers a number of different options to ensure your compliance with the requirement for training every 3 years.

On Line:          Contact our office for the needed paperwork and then have your employees watch
our eTalk at the link below:

On Site:           Your local safety representative can provide the training at your location.