Lovell Management’s 3rd Annual Client Training – January 11th, 2013 in Syracuse
Lovell Safety
Management is excited to offer our 3rd annual client training January 11th,
2013 in Syracuse on a wide array of topics including OSHA record keeping,
recording vs. reporting of claims, attachment to the labor market with surveillance,
capped Permanent Partial Disabilities with loss of wage earning capacity and
new medical treatment guidelines (MTG). Additionally, we will be covering OSHA
300 log record keeping and posting requirements. More information below:
Management is excited to offer our 3rd annual client training January 11th,
2013 in Syracuse on a wide array of topics including OSHA record keeping,
recording vs. reporting of claims, attachment to the labor market with surveillance,
capped Permanent Partial Disabilities with loss of wage earning capacity and
new medical treatment guidelines (MTG). Additionally, we will be covering OSHA
300 log record keeping and posting requirements. More information below: