OSHA 10-Hour Course in Construction, November 28th and December 5th

Save the Date! The OSHA 10-Hour In Construction Course, Medford, NY, November 28th and December 5th.

To aid in your compliance with the various Federal, State and City
regulations requiring this training, the LSM safety department is once
again offering the OSHA 10-Hour Course. The course is provided by our
OSHA certified instructors. Each employee who successfully completes the
program will receive a certification card from OSHA.

Pre registration is required. Please see attached brochure.

Protecting Emergency Responders

From the CDC:

When disaster strikes, the nation depends on emergency response workers
who are prepared and trained to respond effectively. This need is
particularly clear as we observe the anniversary of the attacks of
September 11, 2001, and honor the responders who performed heroic
service during that somber time. 

Read more on the Protecting First Responders.

Happy N95 Day!

From the CDC – NIOSH Science Blog:

What? You didn’t know it was N95 day? Don’t worry! Exchanging gifts is
not a required practice. N95 Day is a time to recognize the importance
of respiratory protection in the workplace and familiarize yourself with
the resources out there to help you make educated decisions when
selecting and wearing a respirator.

Read the full N95 Day article.

OSHA 10-Hour Course in Construction, September 11th and 18th

Save the Date! The OSHA 10-Hour In Construction Course, Rennselaer, NY, September 11th and 18th.

To aid in your compliance with the various Federal, State and City
regulations requiring this training, the LSM safety department is once

n offering the OSHA 10 Hour Course.
The course is provided by our OSHA certified instructors. Each employee
who successfully completes the program will receive a certification card
from OSHA.

Pre registration is required. Please see attached brochure.

House Votes to Halt All New Health, Environmental and Workplace Regulatory Actions

From EHS Today:
The Republican majority in the House of Representatives voted July 26 to
pass H.R. 4078, the Red Tape Reduction and Small Business Job Creation

Safer and Healthier at Any Age: Strategies for an Aging Workforce

From the CDC and NISOH Science Blog:
Profound changes continue to unfold in the American workforce as Baby
Boomers—Americans born between 1945 and 1964—swell the ranks of our
workplaces. This has led many employers to fear the possibilities of
negative impacts associated with this demographic trend.  

 Read the full NIOSH Science Blog story here.

Lovell Safety Groups Earn Dividends

Lovell Safety Management Co., LLC, announced the 2010 – 2011 dividend earnings of two of its Safety Groups:

Launderers and Cleaners, Safety Group #34 paid a 20 percent dividend.
Qualifying members received an advance discount of 25 percent.

Northeastern Retail Lumber Association, Safety Group #531 paid a 17.5
percent dividend. Qualifying members received an advance discount of 25

OSHA 10-Hour Course in Construction, July 23rd and 24th

Save the date–Utica, NY

aid in your compliance with the various Federal, State and City regulations
requiring this training, the LSM safety department is once again offering the
OSHA 10 Hour Course.  The course is provided by our OSHA certified instructors.
Each employee who successfully completes the program will receive a
certification card from OSHA.

registration is required. Please see attached brochure.


Worker Exposure to Silica during Hydraulic Fracturing

The latest OSHA/NIOSH Hazard Alert highlights the risks of fracking:
NIOSH’s recent field studies show that workers may be exposed to dust with high levels of respirable crystalline silica (called “silica” in this Hazard Alert) during hydraulic fracturing.

Read the full Alert here.

Susan Fahmy receives two awards from the Safety Executives of New York

Our very own Susan Fahmy received 2 awards from the Safety Executives
of NY. One was for being a past president, and the other was the “Harvey
Siegel Award” which is named after a very famous safety professional
who was one of the founders of safety in NY. It is for outstanding
contributions and is given only when decided upon by the board of the
association. Congratulations Susan!