Hospitals and Health Care Entities – Safety Group #275

Current Safety Group Maximum Discount for Members: 25%

Special Additional 10% New Business Upfront Discount for Qualified Businesses: 35%

Minimum Required Workers’ Compensation Premium: $25,000

Lovell Safety Management invites you to learn how membership in the Hospitals and Health Care Safety Group #275 can help your business. Safety group members enjoy significant cost savings and financial security, including:

  • Year–end cash dividends
  • Cash–flow savings through advance discounts
  • Absolutely no exposure to joint & several liability
  • Employer costs and liability are limited to the discounted premium
  • Reinsurance protection to limit the cost of any single incident
  • Early medical intervention and return–to–work strategies
  • Comprehensive safety, claims, and underwriting service package
4/1/22-23 25% 25%
4/1/21-22 20% 25%
4/1/20-21 15% 25%
4/1/19-20 10% 25%
4/1/18-19 10% 20%

Authorized class codes:  *8833; *9040; *8854; 7380; 9028; 8829; 8832; 4511; 8865 (*the majority of the payroll must be in one of these classification codes).

To learn more, call us today at 1-800-5 Lovell (568355), email us at, or set up a Schedule 15 Minute Quick Chat with a sales representative!